Before you start working hard, read this!

It seems that everyone is jumping into the New Year and some have already started working hard towards their goals.   However, it is my strong belief that if you rush into the new year without first evaluating the previous year, we might actually be committing the same mistakes without even learning from them. I […]

Why goal setting is not enough

In most companies, they have pretty clear goals and know what does success look like. They plan really well, highlighting what is needed to achieve their plans. However, when it comes to actually asking how many goals they have actually achieved, you can usually hear very uncomfortable responses from leaders. It is not that they […]

How to overcome defensiveness at work?

Imagine something bad happened at work. Someone messed up and now the whole team suffers. Morale is low since everyone in the team got reprimanded and they feel that it is not their fault and it is someone else’s fault. Suppose you are the manager in-charge and you are given the mandate to fix things. […]

What Do You Need To Stop And Start For The New Year

Many people focus on what’s needed to be done and keep adding to their plate. However, they fail to consider that the process of stopping what is not working is just as important as starting on what works.

Seven Strategies To Get Rid Of Disempowering Habits

We are all creatures of habits and the question is whether you have habits that empower or disempower you. Empowering habits are those that help you get ahead in life. Disempowering are those that make you inefficient, ineffective or worst, make you regress in your life. Interestingly, I think that most of us develop a lot of bad […]

Are You Hitting The Snooze Button In Your Life?


You are sleeping very soundly and comfortably in your bed. All of a sudden, a loud ringing sound is activated and you slowly drag yourself out of the bed. You reach towards your clock and look for the button to activate the snooze. “Just five more minutes”, you tell yourself and crash back towards the […]

The Best Way To Predict Your Future

The best way to create the future

Are you concerned about your future or have invested heavily to ensure that your future is as bright as possible? Some people even get involved in different instruments, techniques or a name change to ensure that they have a bright future. However, I have found one way that we can relatively predict your future (with […]

Handling Criticisms


Honestly, I get pretty uptight whenever someone tells me something that I do not like to hear. My natural instinctive response is to get defensive or provoke back. The good thing is that over time, I have learnt to exercise tremendous self control in that process. Being a public person with a small fan base, […]

What Sets Successful People Apart From The Rest: Single Mindedness

There is one trait that totally sets successful people apart from the rest of the other people. This one trait made them rise above the rest and is very well respected by many people. What is it? The trait that I am talking about is Single-mindedness. All successful people know what they want in their […]