How Can You Develop Strategic Thinking Skills?

Team of professionals engaged in strategic planning with charts and digital devices

Imagine yourself as a strategic master in a high-stakes chess game. In the competitive realm of business leadership, every move counts. Decisions made without strategic foresight are not just minor errors; they represent critical blunders that can jeopardize your standing in the corporate arena. Leaders need to look beyond immediate challenges and adopt a proactive, […]

7 Ways To Stay Motivated In Your Life

Philippine HR Congress Howell Malabut interviews Kenneth Kwan - "How do you stay motivated in life?"

“How do you motivate yourself and keep it up?” This was posted to me when Howell Mabalot interviewed me after my speech to over 1500 people in the recent Philippines HR Congress 2019. Honestly, there are times where I don’t feel exactly highly motivated, but my response to it is extremely important. This is not […]

Setting big goals can actually do more harm than good

Setting big goals BHAG

This is a sensitive topic but I felt strongly about this. Most people teach about setting big goals or stretch goals. Some even say that if it ain’t big enough, it’s not worth doing. I find it disturbing. Most of the time, teams or individuals can’t achieve big goals. Their spirits get crushed and they […]

Forget New Year’s Resolutions


…But here’s the thing: most people tend to give up on doing it. They get excited easily but they drop it when they get too busy.

So, I suggest to you, forget New Year’s Resolutions.

6 ways to succeed more in life

Everyone wants more success in life but it doesn’t mean that they want to do something about it. In most articles, they claim that the first step you need to do is to set SMART goals. After all, if you don’t know what you want, how can you possibly succeed? Well, my answer is a […]

Mission Accomplished! The manuscript for the book is completed

Mission Accomplished Stamp

I have finally accomplished my goal of writing 30,000 words in my book. It has been a long and tiring journey of constant pressure, lack of sleep, and fatigue. To hold myself accountable, I was updating my friends and clients on my progress every day: Report the number of words written  (I even had a […]

Public Declarations: A Key Strategy for Increased Productivity

One of the highlights in a speaker’s life is to write a book. This is a goal that I have always had but never was able to work it because there were too many things I had to attend to. Just like any other person, I had meetings to attend, speaking engagements, consultancy projects, dealing […]

Why goal setting is not enough

In most companies, they have pretty clear goals and know what does success look like. They plan really well, highlighting what is needed to achieve their plans. However, when it comes to actually asking how many goals they have actually achieved, you can usually hear very uncomfortable responses from leaders. It is not that they […]

What Do You Need To Stop And Start For The New Year

Many people focus on what’s needed to be done and keep adding to their plate. However, they fail to consider that the process of stopping what is not working is just as important as starting on what works.