What do you say to people who reply you with “Don’t know”

I don't know

  Have you ever gotten frustrated because the first answer to any question you ask others is, “Don’t know”. What can you say to help others to answer your question? How do you get others to reply you without giving you a blank look? How do you handle such passive aggressive response?   Handling “I […]

Get noticed: 8 things that your boss wished you did more

After working with thousands of directors and leaders from many different countries, I have noticed that there common areas which they wished their team members are better in. Your boss will surely notice you if you do these! 1.    Speak up more by giving feedback or share ideas Bosses wished their people spoke up […]

How Not to do change management

I received quite a few calls over the past year to talk about managing change. The enquirer typically wants me to ‘motivate’ their staff to accept the structural changes that were in place because of the fast moving business landscape. They want their people to accept all the changes, increase their morale overnight and create […]

Listen to the wish behind every complaint


The boss’ complaint There was a senior project manager who invited me down to his office to talk about a training program for his staff. He introduced me to his company and also the type of engineering work that they were involved in. However, when it came to his team of people working on the project, […]

What happened at the Personal Branding for Corporate Success Seminar?

Personal Branding for Corporate Success 2012

September 2012 was the most exciting months for me as I was one of the speakers for the Personal Branding for Corporate Success Seminar. Participants received lots of useful and valuable tips from all the speakers that day, on how they can get ahead in their lives through personal branding and influence. If you miss […]

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

How do great leaders inspire action? What are the secrets of communication behind great companies and personalities like Apple and Martin Luther King?   Watch this video to understand why people buy into what you do. Find out what compels people to be drawn into your mission and become great fans.      

Great Leadership And Principles That They Live By

Image by kevindooley In my previous blog post, I asked people to define “what is leadership to you?” There were a lot of great definitions and answers that were contributed and allow me to share with you mine. Leadership is all about INFLUENCE. It is about who listens to you when you speak and how […]

Why You Act The Way You Do?

DISC Personality Profiling

In this article, we address why you act the way you do. And how you can effectively communicate and work with others.