Case Study: How a healthcare build a culture that wins for everyone


A large healthcare in Singapore has recently shared its success story after implementing the Small Steps to Big Changes® program.


In this complex environment, where there are many decision-makers and medical liabilities, making changes can be a challenging task. Leading change is important, but it also needs to be balanced with high accuracy and repeatability.


We worked with the healthcare’sCEO to overcome these hurdles and encouraged each participant to attend the workshop with a real challenge that they faced in the hospital. The result was to learn new ways to enroll team members to solve existing challenges and lead change over a longitudinal period (3-6 months).


Overcoming resistance to change

In a complex environment like a public hospital, leading small changes is not simple. Patient safety cannot be compromised and existing processes might slow things down.


To create fast and useful change, participants focused on areas they could create a positive impact, rather than tackling change from a systemic point of view.


They learnt what it means to be solution-focused in their approach. This solution-focused approach was aimed to help participants create possibilities, systemize success to create repeatable wins, and generate forward momentum.


Intentional follow-up process

One of the success factors of the Small Steps to Big Changes® was to ensure that each participant worked on a mini-initiative in that they had a vested interest.

These initiatives focused on a common problem or challenge they faced on a frequent basis.

If solved, it would benefit them and the hospital directly.


After the training, participants embarked on a 3-6 months journey to make a difference in the challenges they identified. They asked for help and enrolled their colleagues to work on the challenge. This was important because it became the shared responsibility of the team and department. It also increased the engagement score since ideas were co-created ground-up, rather than top-down.


Documenting results and celebrating wins

Another reason why Small Steps to Big Changes® was able to deliver results is that it allowed every participant to demonstrate how they have made a positive difference at work. The senior leadership team was invited to listen to each person’s mini-initiative and results.


This is important because many times senior leaders do not actively know what the front line is doing and appreciate the efforts and results of their work.



Real results from program participants:

  • Created a process where new doctors and nurses working incan set up their equipment fast and flawlessly within a short time.
  • Increased staff engagement.
  • Solved a pertinent problem where financial documents were kept safely after hours.
  • Delivered a self-registration kiosk that saved an immense number of manhours.
  • Created a culture of open sharing of ideas.
  • Found ways to check-in with their patients after being discharged.
  • And many more!


These results demonstrate the power of co-creating possibilities with others.


When frontline staff are involved in creating change, everyone starts to believe that change can happen from the bottom-up and not just from the top-down.


Develop a culture of “wins”

Small Steps to Big Changes® is a powerful program that can help your organization develop a solution-focused language that creates momentum, drives change, and deliver results.


Contact us today to us to discuss how it can be customized for your organisation.



Picture of Kenneth Kwan, CSP
Kenneth Kwan, CSP

Kenneth Kwan is an internationally recognized Author, Global Leadership and Motivational Speaker, renowned for his ability to inspire and empower audiences worldwide. With over a decade of experience, he has spoken to leaders from 40 countries, helping transform cultures and shift mindsets within Multi-National Companies (MNCs) and Government Organizations. Kenneth’s expertise in solution-focused thinking and strategic planning has guided numerous businesses toward significant results and high-performance environments. Featured in esteemed media outlets like Channel News Asia and Malaysia's BFM89.9, his insights on leadership and motivation are highly sought after. Kenneth's book, "Small Steps To Big Changes," showcases his profound wisdom and practical strategies, making a lasting impact in lectures and training programs across the region.