Key Differences Between Fixed, Growth and Solution-Focused Mindset

fixed growth solution focused mindset difference comparison

Mindsets play a pivotal role in shaping our outcomes, both personally and professionally. According to research, embracing the right mindset can lead to positive outcomes and fulfilment in life & business. Here we compare the 3 mindsets: fixed, growth and solution-focused mindset.

What do you say to people who reply you with “Don’t know”

I don't know

  Have you ever gotten frustrated because the first answer to any question you ask others is, “Don’t know”. What can you say to help others to answer your question? How do you get others to reply you without giving you a blank look? How do you handle such passive aggressive response?   Handling “I […]

3 Ways to increase business agility in your organisation

Business agility

The challenge for any organisation is still to serve its stakeholders well even when the business conditions keep changing. Business agility affects business and culture. Here we list 3 “tests” to see if your organisation is agile and what you can do about it.

7 Ways To Stay Motivated In Your Life

Philippine HR Congress Howell Malabut interviews Kenneth Kwan - "How do you stay motivated in life?"

“How do you motivate yourself and keep it up?” This was posted to me when Howell Mabalot interviewed me after my speech to over 1500 people in the recent Philippines HR Congress 2019. Honestly, there are times where I don’t feel exactly highly motivated, but my response to it is extremely important. This is not […]

Setting big goals can actually do more harm than good

Setting big goals BHAG

This is a sensitive topic but I felt strongly about this. Most people teach about setting big goals or stretch goals. Some even say that if it ain’t big enough, it’s not worth doing. I find it disturbing. Most of the time, teams or individuals can’t achieve big goals. Their spirits get crushed and they […]

How can gossip help your team?

Resource gossip

Gossip itself has always had a negative connotation – it is known to destroy teamwork, morale, build distrust and even cause talent in your organisation to leave. Yet, with the introduction of resource gossip, you could use gossip to your advantage in creating positivity and forward momentum in your team. #resourcegossip #leadership #management #smallstepstobigchanges