The New Book Unveiled: Small Steps To Big Changes

Small Steps To Big Changes Cover

My new book is finally here! Have you ever planned for something but didn’t achieve it? That change within your team and organisation seems impossible? You’ve tried that diet for the tenth time and failed. Your team enrolled in a communications workshop but after it, isn’t communicating any much better. In Small Steps To Big […]

6 ways to succeed more in life

Everyone wants more success in life but it doesn’t mean that they want to do something about it. In most articles, they claim that the first step you need to do is to set SMART goals. After all, if you don’t know what you want, how can you possibly succeed? Well, my answer is a […]

Seven Strategies To Get Rid Of Disempowering Habits

We are all creatures of habits and the question is whether you have habits that empower or disempower you. Empowering habits are those that help you get ahead in life. Disempowering are those that make you inefficient, ineffective or worst, make you regress in your life. Interestingly, I think that most of us develop a lot of bad […]

Inspiring Others By Working On Yourself


Dedicating to yourself to your personal development goals is a great step in the right direction. When I talk about personal development, it means dedicating time to learn work on your mental fitness, health, skills and knowledge. Upon completing these goals, you may notice that you have gained some sideline spectators as well. In most […]

Observations On China After An Eight Day Training Trip

A crowded China train station

Recently I just came back from an 8-day trip in China. It was exciting being able to train them in teambuilding, self leadership and DISC personality Profiling. Here are some personal insights on the Chinese people that made me sit up and think about why we should not be slack and complacent in our work. […]

Importance of Surrounding Yourself With the Right People

When you are on the road to personal development, take a look of who is around you. Are these the people that inspire you? Are these the people that make you want to succeed? It is important to understand why having the right people around you will make all the difference in the world. Success […]