Seven Strategies To Get Rid Of Disempowering Habits

We are all creatures of habits and the question is whether you have habits that empower or disempower you. Empowering habits are those that help you get ahead in life. Disempowering are those that make you inefficient, ineffective or worst, make you regress in your life. Interestingly, I think that most of us develop a lot of bad […]

6 Ways to Improving Your Performance at Work

Focus on the goal

Work is everywhere around you and sometimes it is hard to find time to do everything. Let me suggest ways on how you can significantly be more effective. Here are 6 simple steps to dramatically boost your performance at work in any field and achieve the more success in what you do. 1. Focus is […]

Being Effective Without Putting In More Time

Are you constantly struggling to find more time to finish your work? Do you constantly lose focus and get impatient when things are slow? Do you feel that you are ineffective sometimes and do not bring results to whatever you do? If the answer YES to any of these statements above, this article might just […]

Get Back 20% of Your Time Lost At Work! (Part 1 of 2)

Believe me, I have been there. I used to think that being busy was extremely important, not till I found out that I was doing a lot of things, but nothing productive was done. In this world of multi-tasking, I asked myself is there something I could do to make myself more effective and yet […]