Infographic: 5 Motivational Tips For Teams

Motivate Team

Maintaining a high level of team motivation is essential for achieving success and personal fulfilment in today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment. However, even the most driven individuals can occasionally find themselves facing motivational hurdles. Maintaining a high level of team motivation is essential for achieving success and personal fulfilment in today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment. Here are 5 motivational tips to help them.

7 Ways To Stay Motivated In Your Life

Philippine HR Congress Howell Malabut interviews Kenneth Kwan - "How do you stay motivated in life?"

“How do you motivate yourself and keep it up?” This was posted to me when Howell Mabalot interviewed me after my speech to over 1500 people in the recent Philippines HR Congress 2019. Honestly, there are times where I don’t feel exactly highly motivated, but my response to it is extremely important. This is not […]

6 ways to succeed more in life

Everyone wants more success in life but it doesn’t mean that they want to do something about it. In most articles, they claim that the first step you need to do is to set SMART goals. After all, if you don’t know what you want, how can you possibly succeed? Well, my answer is a […]

Before you start working hard, read this!

It seems that everyone is jumping into the New Year and some have already started working hard towards their goals.   However, it is my strong belief that if you rush into the new year without first evaluating the previous year, we might actually be committing the same mistakes without even learning from them. I […]

What Do You Need To Stop And Start For The New Year

Many people focus on what’s needed to be done and keep adding to their plate. However, they fail to consider that the process of stopping what is not working is just as important as starting on what works.

There Is No Such Thing as “Work-Life Balance”

campus 938 live panel

Last friday, I was invited as one of the expert panelist for MediaCorp Radio 938 Live outdoor program, ‘Campus‘. The event was held at ITE College West and the topic for discussion that day was “Do our youths work hard and play hard at school? How important is it to our youths to have a […]

5 Strategies To Retain Learning Even After Many Years

Recently, I went to visit an old client, Energizer, to find out how things are with them. After speaking to the plant manager, he brought me down a staircase and I saw something hung up on the wall that made me really excited! It was two of the flipcharts that I wrote for them three […]