Why Do Organisational Change Efforts Fail?

Common reasons why organisational change efforts fail

Mindsets play a pivotal role in shaping our outcomes, both personally and professionally. According to research, embracing the right mindset can lead to positive outcomes and fulfilment in life & business. Here we compare the 3 mindsets: fixed, growth and solution-focused mindset.

Four questions to ask people who are resistant to change

Let’s face it, in every organisation, we will always have people who will want to be on the safe side or entrenched with years of old thinking. How do you ask questions that will help others to start moving forward into different realities? These four questions  to ask people who are resistant to change have helped […]

How Not to do change management

I received quite a few calls over the past year to talk about managing change. The enquirer typically wants me to ‘motivate’ their staff to accept the structural changes that were in place because of the fast moving business landscape. They want their people to accept all the changes, increase their morale overnight and create […]