Recently I had the privilege to attend a Resilient Leadership Seminar in Singapore and there were a few great speakers there. Allow me to share with you in humility what I have gleaned from the great minds of three people:
1. Samuel Lock, MD of Clarion Consultants
2. Professor Chow Gan Moog, Head of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore
3. Boyd Au, Founding Member of Public Listed Singapore Company, Enzer Corporation.
On Providing Effective Leadership: The Power of Effective Leadership
Do these:
1. Leading with Integrity and Selflessness
– Prioritize the organization’s best interests over personal gain.
– Dare to dream big and effectively communicate your vision to others.
– Exemplify leadership qualities such as integrity, empathy, and a willingness to make sacrifices.
– Acknowledge and apologize for mistakes made.
2. Taking Ownership and Giving Credit
– Take responsibility when things go wrong and learn from them.
– Give credit to others when things go well, fostering a culture of collaboration and appreciation.
Don’t Do These:
1. Lead from behind.
Lead decisively.
2. Feel sorry for yourself.
Be willing to be misunderstood.
3. Be YES man.
Disagree reasonably without being disagreeable, encouraging healthy debates.
Kenneth’s comments: Leading by example
A leader has to lead from the front. I am actually dismayed when I hear leaders asking more from their employees when they have not lived up the standards they have set. Even simple things like coming on time for work and meetings, if the leader cannot fulfil the requirements, he/she has no right to ask from their staff. Leaders have to be integral in everything they say and do, this is so that their followers will know that they mean what they say and say what they mean.
Another major point highlighted is that a leader should give credit to others when things go well and take responsibility when things fail. This is an act of humility that lifts our team higher that the leader itself; I feel that this is a fine example of servant leadership.
Photo Credit: Pexels-thisisengineering
On creating a Strong Vision: The Importance of a Strong and Inspiring Vision
“A leadership has to have a clear mental picture of what is the future state of the organisation. It is a definite goal about what you see in 10 years’ time… It not only has to be clear, but it has to be consistently articulated and pursued.” Boyd Au
A leader must envision the organization’s future state, setting clear goals and consistently pursuing them.
Kenneth’s comments: The Power of a Compelling Vision
A compelling vision is vital for leaders to rally their teams. It should be exciting yet realistic, providing clarity and direction. Leaders play a crucial role in articulating and staying true to the vision that gave birth to the organization, ensuring its longevity.
Challenge for you to embrace resilient leadership
As a leader, reflect on your organization’s vision and how effectively it is communicated to all staff levels. Are you consistently leading from the front, demonstrating exemplary conduct for your team to follow?
In conclusion, embracing resilient leadership entails prioritizing the organization’s best interests, leading with integrity, taking ownership, giving credit, and fostering a strong and inspiring vision. Let us strive to become resilient leaders who inspire and uplift those around us.
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