The One Decision That Changed My Life

Change - take action

When I first started in my training business, did you know that I actually worked for other training organisations for just $30/hr? This was rather pathetic, because I only worked for 2 hours day, and most of the time, just 2 days a week. This meant that I only earned approximately $480/month.

This was extremely bad because I had to dig into my savings every month to pay for the bills, housing loan and even food for myself. For four nights in a row, I could not sleep well at all and my wife asked me if I was stressed by what I was doing (I couldn’t admit it and I said NO). Things became very bad till the extent where I could remember that I was left with just $22 in my bank account. This left me very dissatisfied with the results that I am having.

Made a firm decision and take massive action

After so much pain and frustration, I made a firm decision. I believed it was a compelling moment where I said ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! I made a firm decision that I will NOT BE POOR, but will be one of the BEST trainers in Singapore. I will grow from strength to strength in training in the things that I strongly believe in and earn money from it. I must admit that it was only this strong sense of disturbance within the soul that when you make a FIRM DECISION and take Massive Action, it will change your life!

Fast forward many years: I have found a lot of success in training; teaching people what I am passionate about, influencing them to make changes and being paid well for it (what a dream job). All this happened because out of the moment of desperation, I made a FIRM DECISION.

I am well-paid currently in what I do and derive tremendous amount of satisfaction from my transformational work.

The reason I am sharing about this personal story is to ask you if you ever had a burning desire to do something but yet met with tremendous obstacles that faced your way, or were you ever been plagued by thousands of reasons why you will fail in a task, my encouragement to you is this: MAKE A FIRM DECISION AND TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

Radical Change

A radical change only happens when a person becomes extremely frustrated and makes a FIRM DECISION to do whatever it takes to overcome the situation. This change will be lasting because it causes a person to be an Overcomer!  

Remember, everything starts with a Decision. What is your decision today?

Picture of Kenneth Kwan, CSP
Kenneth Kwan, CSP

Kenneth Kwan is an internationally recognized Author, Global Leadership and Motivational Speaker, renowned for his ability to inspire and empower audiences worldwide. With over a decade of experience, he has spoken to leaders from 40 countries, helping transform cultures and shift mindsets within Multi-National Companies (MNCs) and Government Organizations. Kenneth’s expertise in solution-focused thinking and strategic planning has guided numerous businesses toward significant results and high-performance environments. Featured in esteemed media outlets like Channel News Asia and Malaysia's BFM89.9, his insights on leadership and motivation are highly sought after. Kenneth's book, "Small Steps To Big Changes," showcases his profound wisdom and practical strategies, making a lasting impact in lectures and training programs across the region.