Gamified Business Acumen and Financial Literacy

Gamified business acumen and financial literacy program to train anyone of any industry background, to play a role in driving organisational success.

Give your employees, managers, and sales directors the tools they need to make smart business decisions, even under pressure.


Zodiak®: The Game of Business Finance and Strategy, is an exciting, high-energy business acumen simulation that challenges learners with the realities of business ownership regardless of the industries such as healthcare to manufacturing. By making tough decisions in a simulated environment, participants learn how to think like business owners and drive success in their roles.


In today’s fast-paced world, tough decisions are the order of the day. These decisions touch upon processes, people, products and finances. The way leaders and employees navigate these critical choices with a keen sense of business acumen and financial literacy can make or break an organization.


We understand that not all individuals come from a financial background. Hence, Zodiak® ingeniously gamifies the learning experience, making it fun and learn the skills of finance and business language quickly.


Through the art of discovery learning, individuals get to feel firsthand how their everyday actions and choices are the driving force behind their organization’s financial success.

YOU can contribute to your organisation’s success. By familiarising yourself with financial processes, you will be equipped to face daily tough decisions and claim more wins for your organisation!

Zodiak® Solution Inc. gamifies financial learning and education, making it immersive while ensuring you leave with key financial and business acumen skills.

You will be introduced to the intricacies of business acumen through an immersive narrative.

In this scenario, small teams of learners assume the role of new proprietors of a struggling Zodiak® enterprise. Their responsibilities encompass:

  • Securing Financial Loans
  • Alluring Potential Investors
  • Procuring Essential Equipment And Materials
  • Allocating Resources Toward Product Development And Innovation
  • Ensuring Efficient Delivery Of Products And Services

Hence, Zodiak® not only teaches you the mechanisms by which organisations generate revenue, but it is also conducted through an experience that is fun and engaging.

Participants playing The Zodiak Solution Inc. Game | The Game of Business Finance and Strategy.
People Impacted
100 +
Clients Served
Countries Influenced
1 +

Zodiak® Inc Solution is for anyone who wants to drive their organisation’s success, regardless of industry background.

You will learn how to:

  • Speak the business language to build long-term relationships and understanding with your business leaders, stakeholders, and customers as you think alongside with them.
  • Managers: Business Acumen and Financial literacy is one of the critical skills to hone.
  • Exploring the connection between business operations and methods to gauge business performance.
  • Understanding the curation and interpretation of fundamental financial documents.
  • Proficiently grasping the curation and interpretation of foundational financial documents, a fundamental skillset in financial literacy.
  • Familiarising oneself with common financial terminology like assets, liabilities, equity, COGS, and cash flow to cultivate business acumen.
  • Investigating the correlation between profit and available cash to strengthen cash management skills.
  • Assessing how strategic endeavours influence financial outcomes and provide value to shareholders.
  • Emphasising the significance of managing cash flow in optimising financial performance.
  • Demonstrating the process of calculating and evaluating crucial financial metrics and ratios like ROE, ROA, ROS, and GPM.
  • Identifying and defining financial terms and metrics specific to a particular company to expand financial literacy.
  • Evaluating the impact of one’s actions on either enhancing or diminishing the company’s financial performance.

Program delivery


1 Full Day

For Whom

Individual Contributors, Managers and Senior Leaders


In-person Training

As a valued leadership training provider in Singapore, we ensure that your managers and leaders walk away with the competencies needed to understand key financial figures that is crucial for the business.


Deep Impact is a Consulting Partner with Culture Partners.