Radio Interview on BFM89.9: Powerful Strategies To Creating High Performance Teams

As you already know. I’m writing a new book on creating high performance teams. This process consists of writing and interviewing key leaders from successful companies. It’s also a process of distilling the wisdom of senior leaders in such organisations. I’m glad to be invited to Malaysia’s BFM Radio 89.9 to share on my expertise […]

Getting people to consistently trust you in all you have to say

Build trust

Trust is the currency in all relationships, whether in office or at home. If you do not have enough of this currency, you will realise that more time, energy and money is needed to perform any task. However, the reverse is true if there is enough trust as well. Imagine how things can be done […]

What Are You Passionate About?

From my experience, I have come to know many people who know what they do not like, however, not many people know what they like and what really drives them in life. There are a lot of people who work with a lack of passion or have values that clash with their job scope. This […]

Observations On China After An Eight Day Training Trip

A crowded China train station

Recently I just came back from an 8-day trip in China. It was exciting being able to train them in teambuilding, self leadership and DISC personality Profiling. Here are some personal insights on the Chinese people that made me sit up and think about why we should not be slack and complacent in our work. […]

How To Create A Work Climate Where The Truth Is Heard?

Speak truth

In all great organisations, people are able to speak their minds and also share the truth with compassion. The worst organisations are those where staff consistently agrees with their bosses. If truth is not readily accepted within the organisation, discontentment will usually be the result. And when discontentment grows to hatred, no amount of team […]

Get Back 20% of Your Time Lost At Work! (Part 2 of 2)

This is part 2/2 of the continuation in “Get Back 20% of Your Time Lost At Work!” 4. Reduce Meeting Time And Set Clear Objectives For It Long meetings with no clear objectives are often another potential time waster. It is always essential to have a clear agenda with a specific outcome you want to […]